Canais: A Universidade do Porto

Full Keynote "Reasserting the Public value of Arts, Humanities and Social Science Research"by Ellen Hazelkorn and "Art-based futures" by Gerald and Cornelia Bast

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Partilhar: Full Keynote "Reasserting the Public value of Arts, Humanities and Social Science Research"by Ellen Hazelkorn and "Art-based futures" by Gerald and Cornelia Bast

Small captura de ecra  2016 11 09  a s 17.12.58

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Autor TVU.

Descrição "Reasserting the Public value of Arts, Humanities and Social Science Research" by Ellen Hazelkorn and "Art-based futures" by Gerald and Cornelia Bast.

Ellen Hazelkorn - Professor Emeritus and Director, Higher Education Policy Research Unit | Gerald Bast - Professor, Rector of the University of Applied Arts, Vienna | Cornelia Bast - Artist and Social Designer, University of Applied Arts, Vienna.

EDUCATION AND RESEARCH IN A CHANGING WORLD | 27 october | Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto


Brief Report Ellen Hazelkorn and Gerald and Cornelia Bast.

Intervenientes Ellen Hazelkorn (Professor Emeritus and Director, Higher Education Policy Research Unit), Gerald Bast (Professor, Rector of the University of Applied Arts, Vienna) and Cornelia Bast (Artist and Social Designer, University of Applied Arts, Vienna)

Entidades Universidade do Porto

Localização FCUP

Línguas inglês, português

Data 2016-10-27

By nc sa
  • What would have happened if NASA had involved artists like Stanley Kubrick, Joseph Beuys, John Cage, or philosophers like for example Jean Paul Sartre. What would have happened if NASA had implemented this kind of people into the apollo program, just imagine.


    Gerald Bast

  • Art cannot change societies but art can change people and people can change societies.


    Cornelia Bast

  • FCUP
  • UP
  • U.Porto
  • Universidade do Porto
  • Artes Visuais
  • Artes Performativas

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