Canais: A Universidade do Porto, Ciências da Vida e da Saúde
The 1st Gago Conference on European Science Policy | Policy Perspectives for Cancer Research in Europe
- 1871
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Autor TVU.
Descrição The Gago Conferences on European Science Policy provide an international forum to strengthen the debate on emerging issues of research and innovation policy in Europe, as well as to promote the necessary involvement of major stakeholders in policy making and the diffusion of knowledge in science education and culture. The Conferences seek also to strengthen international scientific and technological cooperation networking in Europe towards a positive impact on a global scale. The 1st Gago Conference on European Science Policy will focus on cancer research in Europe. This is because cancer is one of the major health problems affecting our society, a situation that is set to deteriorate globally as the population grows and ages.
Intervenientes Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector U.Porto), Manuel Heitor (Portug. Minister for Science, Technology and Higher Education), Mário Barbosa (Director, i3S/INEB, U.Porto), Carlos Moedas (Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation)
Entidades i3S,
Localização i3S
Línguas português, inglês
Data 2018-02-14
Licenças Creative Commons: