Canais: A Universidade do Porto

Full keynotes "University Governance and EU Competitiveness" by Jo Ritzen + "Universities Key institutions for the XXI century in Europe" by Eduardo Marçal Grilo | Closing session

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Partilhar: Full keynotes "University Governance and EU Competitiveness" by Jo Ritzen + "Universities Key institutions for the XXI century in Europe" by Eduardo Marçal Grilo | Closing session

Small closing sessio

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Autor TVU.

Descrição "University Governance and EU Competitiveness" by Jo Ritzen (Professor, Maastricht University) and "Universities Key institutions for the XXI century in Europe" by Eduardo Marçal Grilo (President of the General Council of the University of Aveiro) - Full Keynotes.

"Debater a Universidade do Porto no contexto dos desafios e oportunidades para a ciência, a tecnologia e o ensino superior em Portugal" by Manuel Heitor (Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education) and "Congress Conclusions and Closing Remarks" by Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector of the University of Porto) - Full Closing Session.

GOVERNANCE AND CLOSING SESSION| 28 october | Main Hall of the University of Porto Rectory


Brief Report Jo Ritzen and Eduardo Marçal Grilo

Intervenientes Jo Ritzen (Maastricht University), Eduardo Marçal Grilo (President General Council University Aveiro), Manuel Heitor (Minister os Science, Technology and Higher Education), Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector of the University of Porto)

Entidades Universidade do Porto

Localização Reitoria da U.Porto

Línguas inglês, português

Data 2016-10-28

By nc sa
  • Teaching and research should be seen and carried out as inseparable activities. (03:00:26)


    Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo

  • Competitiveness is about welfare, it is about well being but particularly through the economic factor of having sufficient income.


    Jo Ritzen

  • I think universities should look into themselves not exactly as a corporation, because universities are not corporations. but universities should adapted to the definition of a strategy, some mechanisms that are used by the corporations.


    Eduardo Marçal Grilo

  • Mais uma vez a Universidade do Porto tem a oportunidade única a nível nacional, mas também uma oportunidade muito relevante a nível europeu, que é a sua integração na cidade do Porto.


    Manuel Heitor

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  • Universidade do Porto
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