Canais: A Universidade do Porto
Brief Report "A naturalist in the age of genomics" and “Strangers and brothers: Revisiting the question of the two cultures"
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Autor TVU.
Descrição "Where Do We Come From? What Are We? Where Are We Going? A naturalist in the age of genomics" (Nuno Ferrand) and "Strangers and brothers: Revisiting the question of the two cultures" (Carlos Fiolhais) by André Lamas Leite and João Pedro Xavier.
Nuno Ferrand - Professor of the Faculty of Sciences, University of Porto | Carlos Fiolhais - Professor of the University of Coimbra.
THE THIRD MISSION - KNOWLEDGE TRANSFER, CULTURE AND SCIENCE FOR ALL | 27 october | Faculty of Sciences of the University of Porto
Full keynote Nuno Ferrand and Carlos Fiolhais.
Intervenientes André Lamas Leite (FDUP), João Pedro Xavier (FAUP)
Entidades U.Porto, FCUP, FMUP
Localização FCUP
Línguas português, inglês
Data 2016-10-27
Licenças Creative Commons:
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