Canais: A Universidade do Porto

Full Keynote: Opening speech by Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo and "University and Society: an unhappy marriage?" by Stefan Collini

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Partilhar: Full Keynote: Opening speech by Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo and "University and Society: an unhappy marriage?" by Stefan Collini

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Autor TVU.

Descrição Opening speech by Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector of the University of Porto) and "University and Society: an unhappy marriage?" by Stefan Collini (Professor Emeritus of the University of Cambridge) - Full Keynotes.

THE RELEVANCE OF UNIVERSITIES IN THE XXI CENTURY | 26 october | Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto


Brief Report Stefan Collini.

Intervenientes Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Rector of the University of Porto), Stefan Collini (Professor Emeritus of the University of Cambridge)

Entidades Universidade do Porto

Localização FMUP

Línguas inglês, português

Data 2016-10-26

By nc sa
  • In a fast paced and increasingly globalized world of unsteady growth and pressing social and economic uncertainties creating both unprecedented challenges and opportunities for science and technology and higher education, the University carries an enormous responsibility.


    Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Reitor U.Porto)

  • In all, the fundamental values of the Magna Charter remains as the pillars of the existing of Universities: autonomy, education and research, freedom, rationalist, humanist values, yet we have to reanalyse them, to reanalyse the scope, the breadth and the depth as indeed it has been done throughout the centuries.


    Sebastião Feyo de Azevedo (Reitor U.Porto)

  • In the rush to make universities more relevant, to submit them to greater procedures of accountability and to ensure they contribute to economic growth, we risk, unless we have a clear understanding of the relations between university and societies, we risk damaging universities and making them in the long run, less valuable to societies.


    Stefan Collini

  • I will argue, many will argue, the proper basis for funding education is a form of social contract whereby each generation contributes to the education of future generations.


    Stefan Collini

  • FMUP
  • Reitor
  • UP
  • U.Porto
  • Universidade do Porto

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