Canais: Ciências da Vida e da Saúde

Experiments with Surprises - YES MEETING

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Autor TVU.

Descrição IV Yes Meeting - Young European Scientist Meeting
September 2009, 25 to 27.
NOBEL PRIZE SESSION | 27th September 2009
"Experiments with surprises"
Rolf Zinkernagel - Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie, University Hospital of Zürich, SWI

Sobrinho Simões - IPATIMUP, Faculty of Medicine, University of Porto, PT

Intervenientes Rolf Zinkernagel, Sobrinho Simões

Entidades Yes Meeting, IPATIMUP, FMUP, Institut für Experimentelle Immunologie - University Hospital of Zürich

Localização FMUP

Línguas Inglesa

Data 2009-09-10

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