Canais: A Universidade do Porto

Full Keynote "Higher education in a fast changing world: How do we maintain relevance?" by Lee Sing Kong

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Partilhar: Full Keynote "Higher education in a fast changing world: How do we maintain relevance?" by Lee Sing Kong

Small captura de ecra  2016 11 08  a s 11.51.08

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Autor TVU.

Descrição "Higher education in a fast changing world: How do we maintain relevance?" by Lee Sing Kong - Full keynote

THE RELEVANCE OF UNIVERSITIES IN THE XXI CENTURY | 26 october | Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto


Brief Report Stefan Collini.

Intervenientes Lee Sing Kong (Professor of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore)

Entidades Universidade do Porto

Localização FCUP

Línguas inglês, português

Data 2016-10-27

By nc sa
  • Now let me assure you, I know all of us are here are educators in some sense. During the nobel sessions discussing, we have been assure, professores are being assured, that we are not redundant, no machine can take over us and no technology can replace us. Because educators are looking to education as an human endeavor. There are skills that still need to be picked up through face-to-face interaction.


    Lee Sing Kong

  • FMUP
  • FCUP
  • Reitor
  • UP
  • U.Porto
  • Universidade do Porto

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