Conteúdos do Canal
Semana Internacional do Acesso Livre 2011 - João Tavares
Promovido pela SPARC (Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition), a 5ª edição da Semana Internacional do Acesso Livre (24 a 30 de outubro de 2011) visa sensibilizar a comunidade académica e de investigação para os benefícios do acesso livre ao conhecimento científico. Para dar voz aos autores ouvimos o professor João Manuel Ribeiro ...
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Richard Stallman na FCUP - Perguntas
Richard Stallman, Presidente da Free Software Foundation, esteve nas comemorações dos 25 anos da Licenciatura em Ciência de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da U.Porto e falou sobre "The Danger of Software Patents". Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation, was at the 25 years commemoration of the Computer Science Degree ...
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Richard Stallman na FCUP
Richard Stallman, Presidente da Free Software Foundation, esteve nas comemorações dos 25 anos da Licenciatura em Ciência de Computadores da Faculdade de Ciências da U.Porto e falou sobre "The Danger of Software Patents". Richard Stallman, President of the Free Software Foundation, was at the 25 years commemoration of the Computer Science Degree ...
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IDA 2011 | Michael Berthold
IDA 2011 - Intelligent Data Analysis: Analyzing and Understanding Complex Systems| Porto, Portugal, 29-31 Oct, 2011 | INVITED TALK: Michael Berthold (University of Konstanz, Germany) - "From Pattern Discovery to Discovery Support: Creativity and Heterogeneous Information Networks"; SESSION CHAIR: Jaakko Hollmen (Aalto University, Finland)
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IDA 2011 | Carla Gomes
IDA 2011 - Intelligent Data Analysis: Analyzing and Understanding Complex Systems| Porto, Portugal, 29-31 Oct, 2011 | INVITED TALK: Carla Gomes (Cornell University, US) - "Computational Sustainability"; SESSION CHAIR: João Gama (University of Porto, Portugal)
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IDA 2011 | Ricardo Baeza-Yates
IDA 2011 - Intelligent Data Analysis: Analyzing and Understanding Complex Systems| Porto, Portugal, 29-31 Oct, 2011 | PhD Spotlight Session: Ricardo Baeza-Yates (Yahoo! Research Barcelona, Spain) - "Web Mining or The Wisdom of the Crowds"; SESSION CHAIR: Fazel Famili (CNRC, Canada)
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